2024. June 2., Sunday


English Studies (MA)

About the Programme

The MA programme in English Studies is designed to provide students with interpretive skills, academic research tools, and a critical perspective in the fields of English Studies. Students are introduced to basic theoretical fields, such as the history and theory of literature, theories of language, the social uses of language, gender studies and the multimediality of culture. An overview of academic research tools in the information society and the digital humanities is presented during the course of studies, and students participate in interactive seminars, research practice and thesis writing consultations.

Rigorous coursework develops abilities of understanding the human subject in the linguistic, historical and ideological complexities of society. During the course of the programme, there is a focus on developing skills of academic research, critical thinking, argumentative academic writing, and analytical skills. Graduates of the Faculty usually pursue careers in cultural and public administration, tourism, media and international business. There is also an opportunity to continue studies in PhD programmes.

Specialisation options: (after the comprehensive general courses of the first semester) Applied Linguistics, Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, or Gender Studies.

Level of the programme: Master’s

Duration of the programme: 4 semesters

Registered in: EU

Credits: 120

Who should apply?

We welcome applicants who are interested in critical thinking, cultural studies, feminist scholarship, applied linguistics and English Studies. Applicants with a BA in American Studies or English Studies are given preference.

Application requirements: a BA diploma, international certificate of advanced command of English (TOEFL Score: min. 95 (min of 20 in each section) or, TOEFL ITP Score: min 627, or IELTS Band: min 7 (min. 6 reading and writing) or, Cambridge Advanced English [CAE]) / other certificate of advanced command of English accepted by the department / written document certifying the completion of a minimum of four semesters of studies, instructed in English, accepted by the department / in exceptional cases, other proof of proficiency equivalent to these accepted by the department.

Online application

Start of the programme: September of each year

Tuition fee: 1900 EUR per semester

Application fee: 35 EUR

Entrance Exam fee: 250 EUR

For more information regarding details of the programme please visit our website or contact Dr. Lívia Klára Szélpál via szelpal.livia@szte.hu or call +36 62 544 260.

SZTE Experience


Ferdous Rahman – Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

My name is Ferdous Rahman and I am from Bangladesh. I am pursuing doctoral studies at the Department of Private International Law at the Faculty of Law and Political Science under the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme. Currently I am in the first year of my four-year PhD programme. I came to know about SZTE while exploring for the Stipendium Hungaricum programme. Among the other available options, this was my first choice. Apart from its excellent ranking, I got my supervisor with similar research interest. The increasing number of international students gave me a comfort of having a cosmopolitan environment. After starting my studies here in September 2019, I am convinced that I could not expect more. For prospective students, I would advise that SZTE can be their next home as I got mine. Everyone here including the professors, the administrators, and the students are very friendly and helpful. They make studies a joyous journey instead of pile of classes and books. After my graduation, I will return to my home country. The knowledge and the experience that I have been receiving here will be a great resource for my academic career. I intend to continue my research further and expect to contribute to policy formulation at national and international level."


Hamza Baniata – Faculty of Science and Informatics

I am Hamza Baniata, a first-year student at the Doctoral School of Computer Science, and I am From Jordan. SZTE is continuously supporting research and it has an internationally recognized, highly ranked group of professors. It also offers courses and research topics that are strongly related to my research field; Cloud Computing, Fog Computing and Internet of Things. All of this motivated me to apply to the University/Department of Software Engineering. Szeged is a calm city, full of love and peace. The University of Szeged is similar to the city, which provides the perfect environment for creation and development. Studying at the university requires a high level of effort, commitment and seriousness. Applying to the university and having these characteristics are my two pieces of advice to prospective students. It is very early to define my future now, but I am planning to apply to a research position in my field after graduation and if I had the opportunity, I would love to contribute my effort and knowledge in advancing such a wonderful and respected university.
